It's been a while...

on Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's been a while... I knew that would happen.

For anyone who would happen to read this in Taupo, our eggs are now for sale at the Classic Espresso and Bakery on Tamamutu St. Or of course at our own shop, The Groove Store, 9 Tamamutu St. They are $5 a dozen.

In other news, we have found lately something we didn't know about whethers... their horns are weak and come off! Came as quite a shock when Lamby's horn came off in Dave's hand, and he bled EVERYWHERE! Quite good we actually found that out, because now we are expecting it. His other one came off the other day, so it's just a matter of giving it a spray to keep away the flies, and we wait for the next time!

Our little Darlene has been weaned, which happened naturally. Quite good for it to happen without our intervention, but we now will have to find a new way to move Mama around, instead of taking Darlene and have her follow! Mama isn't very happy at the moment... some busy-bodies around here went to one of the neighbours and told him she had flystrike... but she doesn't. Nice living in the country, but would be nicer if people weren't spying on you! Sounds like whoever they are do it often! Another neighbour is going to shear Mama for us... if we can catch her! Her wool is very thick and felt-like... which is a bit much for our hand shears.

Another nice thing about the country... good neighbours! Dave took over some eggs, and brought back homegrown potatoes in return. People are willing to help out with everything, and are never to busy to wave out!

That's enough for now, and hopefully I can keep this better updated!


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