
on Friday, January 8, 2010

We went and picked up our 6 week old border collie Max a week after we moved in. He was a quiet sweet puppy for about a day, and then showed his true colours!

Max was born August 26, so is now 4 1/2 months. Having never had border collies before, it was quite a surprise the amount of energy he had for such a small boy! He is also very smart, he had learned to sit within a week, and now knows so many phrases: "dad's home", "where's Zeke?" (cat), "where's Coal?", "where's Eddie?" (toy), "go in the car", "where's lamby?", "sheep", "ready" (when I'm about to throw a toy", as well as all the usual sit, down, 5, kisses, wait, etc.

Unfortunately his energy and intelligence were hard to handle! He would go into the paddock to chase the sheep, which is good instinct, but not so good without supervision! When he was in the paddock, he would not come back... and he was very fast! I was getting to my wits end having to entertain him all day and keep him active and thinking... so we started on the lookout for another pup.

Coal was about 7 weeks or so when we got him. His father was a border collie, and mother a huntaway. He's very good at pulling the sad eyes like in the picture.

Coal is the complete opposite of Max. He's quiet, is happy to play but happy to sit down too, and nowhere near as smart. He was born 11 October (3 days before Lamby), so is now almost 3 months. He knows how to sit, and is getting good at down. He can also do 'wait', but I'm not sure if he understands, or if he just can't be bothered!

Max had just got big enough to not be able to fit through the fence into the paddocks... but Coal is not at that stage yet! He has been hit by John Campbell (which caused him a bit of pain and problems with peeing for a couple of days), and Mama who was trying to protect her lamb.

Max is showing great sheepdog abilities. From what we've seen, 6 months is the age to start training, but Dave has taken him a few times to chase the sheep, and he's incredible! He doesn't know directions, he just knows what his instinct says. He reads the sheep well, will move stalk forward and lay down when told... and is fast to catch up if they get past him! I will take photos next time he's practicing. We aren't sure about Coal yet, it might take him a bit longer. He seems to have some instinct, and this morning Dave came back from talking to the neighbour to find Coal had the sheep all in the corner (including Mama and lamb!), and was just sitting down in front of them.

Our dogs love the sheep, and especially Lamby is their best friend. Lamby especially is used to the dogs, and likes playing with them. Him and max would sometimes race up and down the fence, the Lamby puts his head down for the dogs to lick/gently bite through the fence.

That's enough about the dogs for now, I'm sure there will be plenty more posts about them, as they are a big part of our country life! I suppose Zeke should get a mention, but maybe tomorrow.


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